Sorin Iacoban – Dumnezeu are un mesaj special pentru tine

Suntem in perioada in care crestinismul pe tot pamantul, isi aduce aminte ca Hristos este viu! Si pentru ca acest Hristos care este Rascumparatorul, este Viu, putem sa spunem si noi: „Laudat sa fie Domnul!”

Mi-aduc aminte cand eram copil, sarbatorile acestea erau tare frumoase. Am venit in America, le-a comercializat oamenii. Si odata cu trecerea timpului am pierdut si noi acea, acea bucurie, acel freamat care era in preajma sarbatorilor. Tinerii nostrii vin in Casa Domnului, cei din America „we don”t speack roumanian, we don”t understand, it”s very hard, we have a reason”. „Well, you have a reason, but very easy you can learn roumanian!” Domnul sa va binecuvanteze!

Vreau sa va spun, pentru…I want to tell fpr the young people on this church, I travel 11 times in the past years in Africa. Well, there is something happening there, the africans learn roumanian. They learn roumanian. They like to sing in roumanian. They learn english too. But they like roumanian language. May God bless all of you to love roumanian language! Because you go to school and then for a grade, for a A, you try and learn spanish and french and chinese language, whatever the school is asking you to learn.

For me was hard, I came here in 1991, I learn my broken english from radio, I leasening 9,15 news station in Detroit and thats I learn…May God bless all of you to start lerning roumanian!

Pentru toti cei ce vorbiti romana, Dumnezeu sa va binecunvanteze! Noi am mers cu Alin in Romania, el era prima data in Romania, in decembrie anul trecut.

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